Today we are going to talk about a typical Colombian dish, which is Changua or broth with egg, this comes from the Santander region, and then I am going to tell you a little about this wonderful food.
The ingredients in this dish are:
-Cow's milk
-If you want coriander
-First, put the water, the potato and salt to taste in a pot, when it starts to boil, add the tomato and onion, when the potato is soft, add the milk together with the egg and when it returns to a boil, it will be ready, once served on the plate add, if desired, the coriander.
I consider this dish to be very significant, since most Colombian families consume it for breakfast or lunch, some spend family time learning how to prepare it, and although not everyone likes it, since we have different tastes, in my opinion it is a great dish that makes me think of my family when I think of it.
By: Aleja ♡