miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2020

~ The Contamination ~


At present there are high levels of pollution caused by man.  Pollution is any substance that can cause some damage or imbalance (irreversible or not) in an Ecosystem, in the physical environment or in a living being.  It is always a negative alteration of the natural state of the environment, and therefore, it is generated as a consequence of human activity.

 The growth of the population, the exploitation of natural resources, have slowly destroyed nature, and this is mainly the fault of humans, and the consequences can be seen in the acidification of the sea and the loss of biodiversity.

One of the possible solutions could be campaigns, showing people what happens because of pollution, because sometimes ignorance makes people continue polluting without realizing the damage they cause.

A good way to publicize the damage caused by pollution is through Posters, which could be spread through social networks, to reach more people, there would be written some consequences, and how to avoid this, even if a person does not do  the difference, the change can start like this. 


By: Aleja ♡

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